According to the study , premature ejaculation ( ED ) is one of the sexual dysfunction problems are often experienced by men than erectile problems . Unfortunately, many men are not aware they are experiencing ED and complain rapid ejaculation occurs . If you are a man who experienced this , you should try to experience side effects from Hajar that will help overcome this sexual problem .
Side effects identical to something bad and not good for us kesehaan . But the side effects of these different Hajar . Plant sap from Egypt who had been petrified this will help you overcome ED . Hajar has properties making Mr. P less sensitive to stimuli but can still enjoy the process of making love to help prolong ejaculation process .
As we know , the ejaculate is determined by a man's ability to control this process to happen as per their wish . But in some cases a man lost control of it . Psychological fakor such as anxiety , stress , and psikofisiologik or feeling disappointed in a couple major cause of ED problems . Additionally masturbate often , the lack of the hormone serotonin which serves to inhibit ejaculation also be factors that cause ED .
Sex hormonal therapy or consulting can be a solution maslaah this ED . But if you want to get immediate effect overcome premature ejaculation time , herbal Hajar is the solution. Hajar is made from natural ingredients that are guaranteed not to have bad side effects . You can buy them online
this in one powerful drug store located in Bandung , .
Order was easy and practical , even for couples while the online store has been serving the direct purchase or COD . Pretty booked via SMS , then transfer payments and money orders will be shipped via Hajar JNE . You will receive a package of this powerful drug interval 2-7 days later and felt if the side effects of beat hell it will help overcome premature ejaculation